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Mtech: Entrepreneur Office Hours
Tuesday, July 21, 2015, 10:00am - 12:00pm

Mtech, in partnership with the Institute for Marine and Environmental Technology (IMET) and representatives from the Baltimore entrepreneurship community, is hosting free office hours at the Columbus Center to help aspiring and current entrepreneurs with tech-based startups or ideas get advice on how to build and finance a startup company,develop and protect intellectual property,navigate the technology transfer process,refine your business strategy for rapid growth, and tap into other entrepreneurial resources.


More Information

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Location Columbus Center, 701 E Pratt Street, Baltimore MD, 21202
Representatives from the following organizations and groups and more will typically be on hand to speak with you one-on-one regarding any questions you might have about starting a company:

Maryland Technology Enterprise Institute (Mtech)
Institute for Marine and Environmental Technology (IMET)
University of Maryland Baltimore County
Maryland Intellectual Property Legal Resource Center
BioHealth Innovation, Inc.
BioMaryland Center
Early Charm Ventures
Saul Ewing LLP