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An Investor’s Guide to Building Your Pitch
Thursday, March 23, 2017, 08:30am - 11:00am

 Workshop Overview

One of the most important and difficult jobs for startup founders, entrepreneurs, and CEOs is raising money. This workshop is built on the foundations of Pitch Creator, an online self-paced learning resource for CEOs to develop their pitch. Join us for an in person experience to ask questions, get feedback, meet the experts and build your strongest pitch. Over a two-part series we will guide you through an efficient process of developing an effective pitch, while also explaining the “why” behind many of the topics so you will be able to adapt your presentation to your audience and over time as your business changes.

Participants will:
Develop a concise and impactful opening sentence to communicate what is most important about their business
Create an Investment Summary (“Read Me” pitch) to provide to investors in advance of presenting
Understand that the Investment Summary is a highly distilled business plan that covers the topics potential investors are most interested in, and serves to summarize that information in a way that makes it easy for investors to quickly read and comprehend key aspects of your venture
Formalize a Foundation Slide Deck (“Listen to Me” pitch) in a purposeful order that makes the most sense to the investor
Understand the “why” of each slide and the order they are in

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