
In what has become an annual tradition, MedImmune and BioHealth Innovation Inc., have brought the BioHeath Capital Region together for the 4th Annual BioBowl at Bowlmore Rockville. Over 40 companies were invited to compete against each other for the BioBowl Trophy for the top team, and to avoid “winning” the infamous Rubber Chicken Trophy for the most “challenged” performance. The team from Qiagen collectively scored higher than all others and had their name added to the BioBowl Trophy for 2017. 

The event is split in half with attendees playing with their company teams for the 1st hour, and then being mixed-up into random teams to create a fun networking opportunity. BioBowl was born out of an early CEO dinner for the BioHealth Capital Region with the goal of bringing together the community for a fun event that also helps companies build relationships with each other. 

Caption:  Jarrod Borkat of MedImmune and Rich Bendis of BHI presenting the Champions Trophy to Qiagen