BHCR IC2 250Your Invitation to apply to a Key Investment Event in Rockville, Maryland Awaits

There's still time if you haven't yet marked your calendar for the 6th Annual BioHealth Capital Region Investment Conference. The one-day event will also be held at the US Pharmacopeia (USP) in Rockville, Maryland, and is free to attend, thanks to our generous sponsors. Applications to attend are due by September 12th!

A Unique Investment Opportunity: September 21st

The Investment Conference brings together investors and companies seeking funding. With a strong track record of fostering successful financial engagements, this conference is an unparalleled opportunity for those eyeing transformative funding.

A Call to Entrepreneurs and Investors

Whether you're a BioHealth company or an investor, this conference offers a curated selection of high-potential opportunities for transformative funding and portfolio diversification.

Applications are Still Being Accepted

Attendance is free, so there's only an upside to applying.

Register your company for the Investment Conference here

Register as an investor here

There's still time to be part of this significant investment event. Apply today to join us in shaping a future filled with transformative investments.