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Richard Bendis will be a speaker at the South by Southwest (SXSW) Conference which takes place from March 8-17 in Austin, Texas. SXSW is a set of film, interactive, and music festivals which occur every year in March. Mr. Bendis will be speaking on March 9th at a session titled "Entrepreneurs in Residence: Not Just for VCs." In his presentation, Richard will introduce the BioHealth Innovation, Inc. EIR program and speak about some of the commercialization challenges being addressed creatively by the biohealth community in Maryland.

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Richard Bendis will speak at the Translational Research Forum during the 2013 BIO International Convention in Chicago. During the forum, speakers will address issues with current translational research models, explore new funding and collaboration opportunities, evaluate how to apply them to federal, academic, and private institutions. The session will take place Monday, April 22, from 4:35 p.m. – 5:25 p.m.

More Information


BioHealth Innovation, Inc. (BHI), a regional private-public partnership focusing on commercializing market-relevant biohealth innovations and increasing access to early-stage funding in Central Maryland, announced today the appointment of GenVec, Inc. President and Chief Executive Officer Cynthia L. Collins to its Board of Directors. BHI also announced that BHI Founding Board Member Jerry Parrott, formerly with Human Genome Sciences, has stepped down from his board seat but will continue to remain active on BHI's Commercial Relevance Advisory Board.

"Cindy's addition to the BHI Board of Directors provides us with access to and perspective from another talented biopharma leader from this region," said Scott Carmer, BioHealth Innovation, Inc. Chairman of the Board and Executive Vice President of Commercial Operations at MedImmune. "Her tremendous depth and breadth of experience across the industry, particularly with regard to diagnostics as well as therapeutic areas ranging from antivirals to oncology, will be an asset to the companies we work with who are seeking to commercialize biohealth innovations.


Lets collaborate on building a vibrant biotech (or any other) community! Nice chestnut, but how does one design a community that functions across industries, geographies, support organizations, academic institutions and federal labs, each with very different missions and views of their (and others’) roles? How do you find a shared vision for these variant groups, one that drives growth for the greater region and doesn’t cause the players for fight over each opportunity as if it is the last scrap of possibility we’ll see? How do you prevent such a vision from becoming another dusty whitepaper, where behaviors weren’t aligned to make it happen?  I had a chance to discuss how such a collaboration should be designed with Rich Bendis, President & CEO of BioHealth Innovation (BHI), an organization which spans from Rockville to Baltimore.

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In partnership with BHI, the SBIR Resource Center(R) is offering a daylong seminar on How To Win SBIR Awards(SM) - at all federal agencies - with a primary emphasis on the National Institutes of Health (NIH). This event incorporates ALL of the necessary strategic planning, persuasive proposal writing, project planning/management and Federal project cost-accounting strategies to make your application successful. Walk away with a deep understanding of what it takes to win and an ability to customize SBIR/STTR win strategies for specific projects. Get equipped to evoke positive responses in SBIR/STTR proposal evaluators (very different from all other programs).

WHEN: Tuesday, 5 March 2013, 8:30am – 6:00pm (45 min. lunch break)

WHERE: Rockville Economic Development, Inc.95 Monroe Street - Rockville, MD 20850
(short walk from Rockville Metro Sta.)
301-315-8096 (location phone)

REGISTRATION: or call 410-315-8101 OR email the This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.; Class limited to 18-20 participants

TUITION: $325 ($375 after February 25) -- satisfaction assured or tuition is returned

DISCOUNT: BioHealth Innovation may underwrite $175 of the tuition for select biohealth companies through its Commercial Relevance Program.
To inquire about the discount, Contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


In this newsletter we proudly present the new Chairman of the Advisory Board: Richard Bendis.

With his expertise on innovation strategy The Technopolicy Network intends to strengthen
its position as the global leading network on Science Based Regional Development and Science Based Incubation. In his article he will give you several insights in the opportunities that lie ahead of us.

This is the time to pay tribute to the achievements of our founding Chairman, Prof. Roger Stough. With his advice and support Prof. Stough made The Technopolicy Network to what it now is. In his article he looks back on the growth of The Technopolicy Network over the past decade.

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Scott Carmer (BHI Board Chair), Jerry Parrott, and Rich Bendis (BHI CEO)

On January 24th, 2013 BioHealth Innovation, Inc. (BHI) recognized Jerry Parrott, formerly with Human Genome Sciences, for his contributions as a BHI Founding Board member. He served on the board from 2011 to 2013 and will continue to remain active on BHI's Commercial Relevance Advisory Board (CRAB). We thank Jerry for his service and look forward to a long lasting relationship.


BioHealth Innovation Inc., a nonprofit that seeks to commercialize technology in the biotech and healthcare fields, could open an accelerator for health information technology startups this year.

Co-located in Rockville and in Baltimore, BioHealth wants the accelerator to serve entrepreneurs and small businesses in central Maryland. Upon board approval, the organization plans to identify a location by the first quarter of this year and have it operational by the fourth quarter.  

“We are evaluating it. We believe there is a need for one. We know there is interest,” BioHealth President and CEO Richard Bendis says. 


Rich Bendis (BHI) and Paul Vulto (MIMETAS) signing the MOU agreement.

MIMETAS is a Dutch microfluidics company focusing on high-throughput organ-on-a-chip systems for predictive toxicology testing, efficacy screening and personalized therapy.

BHI will support MIMETAS by assisting in establishing a MIMETAS US-based subsidiary, aiding in the application for US- and Maryland-based grants (e.g. SBIR, TEDCO), and identifying potential collaborators and partnerships.

This partnership is important in further expanding Maryland's connections internationally and expanding Maryland's biohealth sector.

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On December 19th, 2012, BioHealth Innovation, Inc. hosted an appreciation event for the 30+ commercialization consultants that are working closely with BHI's Entrepreneur-in-Residence Todd Chappell at the NIH Office of Technology Transfer to identify novel research and technologies. With the help of these consultants, Todd has been able to identify a multitude of interesting endeavors which BHI will now help push to the next stage of commercialization. We hope that the coming year will bring even more opportunities for post-docs to work closely with BHI in shaping the future of Maryland's biotechnology industry!


Income from invention royalties at the University of Minnesota and University of Iowa has plummeted faster the past two years than at all but a handful of U.S. research institutions, an analysis of royalties data shows.

Of universities that earned more than $2 million in royalties in 2009, the University of Minnesota saw the biggest drop in revenue over the next two years, Association of University Technology Managers data show.

Minnesota lost $75 million in licensing revenue from 2009 to 2011. An expiring anti-AIDS drug patent dropped its income last year to $10 million. Iowa's royalties plummeted from $43 million in 2009 to $6 million last year, also because of a single expired drug patent.


Dust off your business plan and sharpen up your elevator pitch. The deadline for the InvestMaryland Challenge is just a month away.

The Department of Business and Economic Development had received 95 entries for the business competition as of noon Wednesday.

The Challenge will award three $100,000 prizes to the top companies in life sciences, information technology and an open, general category.


On November 19, 2012, members of a Korean delegation from Chungbuk Technopark visited BioHealth Innovation (BHI). Central to the visit was an introduction to Chungbuk Technopark, a non-profit government funded economic development effort which strives to stimulate growth among Korean technology companies. Ethan Byler, Director, Innovation Programs at BHI followed the delegation’s presentation with an overview of BHI.

Photo: L to R: L to R: Il Minn, PhD, Faculty, Johns Hopkins University; Amanda Wilson, Operations Manager, BioHealth Innovation, Inc.; Hyeong-nyeon Kim, Bio Industry Team, Bio Valley Promotion Group; Yong Kook Shin, PhD, Director, Chungbuk Technopark Bio Center; Ethan Byler, Director, Innovation Programs, BioHealth Innovation, Inc; and Youn-Ho Shin, PhD, Industry Planning Team, Chungbuk Technopark Policy Planning Agency


BioHealth Innovation, Inc. and Rich Bendis were recently featured in the “Why Rockville” ad campaign which runs in The Gazette of Politics and Business. This campaign is sponsored by Capital Bank and serves to introduce the businesses and business owners that are located in Rockville.

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Slowly but surely, Maryland is changing its image from a state primarily focused on research to one where scientists can put their ideas into actual commercial products, executives and public officials said during a first-time conference on technology transfer in Rockville.

“There has been a transformation,” said Richard Bendis, president and CEO of BioHealth Innovation, a private-public partnership focusing on helping commercialize life sciences innovations in Central Maryland.


BioHealth Innovation Inc. is adding staff and office space to expand its operations in central Maryland.

The Rockville-based organization has created a new position, director of innovation programs, to lead the organization’s effort to help Maryland companies get a greater share of federal funding intended for near-commercialization projects. BioHealth Innovation is a public-private nonprofit organization that helps biohealth companies access funding to commercialize research and connects research outlets with the biotech industry.

Rich Bendis

Innovation and creation are at the heart of the biotech industry and close to the heart of international business development consultant Richard A. Bendis.

Bendis, 65, has devoted almost 40 years to helping enterprises grow, in both the public and private sector.

Most recently, Bendis was named CEO of the new regional effort to foster commercialization of federal and university laboratory innovations and increase access to early-stage funding for biotechs. BioHealth Innovation of Rockville is a nonprofit private-public partnership that leverages the resources of several biotechs and research institutions, including the University System of Maryland and Johns Hopkins University, in the Baltimore-Washington, D.C., region.

Maryland-based BioHealth Innovation Inc. announced today that its board of directors has named former Interim CEO Richard Bendis the organization's first president and chief executive officer.

Bendis (pictured here) serves as a venture capital investment manager with NEST-TN LLC, a Nashville-based VC fund that the state has certified as a TNInvestco fund.


A Montgomery County Council committee recommended on Monday to contribute $250,000 this fiscal year to a public-private partnership — BioHealth Innovation — that is trying to boost the life sciences industry.

The county’s biosciences task force recommended forming the local nonprofit public-private partnership, among other suggestions, three years ago. Besides the $250,000 supplemental increase by the county in fiscal 2012, the partnership seeks $1.25 million from the county during the following three fiscal years.

The expenditure still needs the approval of the full council — which could come as soon as next week — after the Planning, Housing and Economic Development Committee lent its approval.


The arduous task of converting laboratory research into a promising startup biotechnology company has many laborers. And a fledgling group out of Montgomery County wants to add private-sector employers’ names to the list.

As the Business Journal’s Scott Dance reported last week, BioHealth Innovation Inc. wants to recruit private businesses to help biotech entrepreneurs take the science out of a university lab and into an office park. The tactic, the group’s leaders say, has worked elsewhere, and already, BioHealth Innovation has the backing of such venerable biotechs as Human Genome Sciences and MedImmune.

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A Montgomery County nonprofit is planning to extend to Baltimore its mission of translating laboratory research into startup companies.

Where it differs from previous efforts is its plan to get its drive from the private sector, rather than from government or universities. Organizers of Rockville-based BioHealth Innovation Inc. want to help entrepreneurs root out business ideas in federal and university labs, help fund those ventures and build an accelerator in which they can grow in response to market demand.

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A Montgomery County-based nonprofit is planning to extend to Baltimore its mission of translating laboratory research into startup companies.

Where it differs from previous efforts is that it plans to get its drive from the private sector, rather than from government or universities. Organizers of BioHealth Innovation Inc. have plans for entrepreneurs to root out business ideas in federal and university labs and build an accelerator in which they can grow in response to market demand.

A coalition of Maryland biotechs, universities and Montgomery County officials have committed $1.25 million in a bid to aid a fragmented life sciences sector. The group also is hiring a CEO and taking space in county offices. Officials been quietly laying the groundwork for BioHealth Innovation Inc. since 2009 and are preparing to publicly announce it by the end of the year as an intermediary that will try to boost tech transfer, increase bio investment and facilitate hiring.


Montgomery County, Human Genome Sciences Inc., MedImmune, Johns Hopkins University, the University of Maryland and Adventist HealthCare are all putting up funding for a regional biotech partnership — the most concrete step yet in a long-deferred mission to connect the region’s life sciences sector to itself.

Officials have been quietly laying the groundwork for BioHealth Innovation Inc. (BHI) since 2009, although its goals are far older. The regional nonprofit is envisioned as a sort of intermediary between biotech, academia, government and investors — with the hopes of multiplying life sciences investment, commercializing more scientific discoveries, and linking scientific and business talent, among other goals.

Among the plans for BHI's first five years: increasing the region's bio investment to $150 million annually.


TaiRx, Inc and BioHealth Innovation, Inc. (BHI) announced today the formation of TaiRx US, a new joint venture.  The mission of the new company is to develop therapeutics and precision medicine diagnostics focused on the Nodal protein, a critical mediator of aggressive cancer progression and treatment resistance.

TaiRx, Inc and BHI have formed TaiRx US, which will be based in Rockville (Montgomery County), Maryland, to develop and commercialize a unique monoclonal antibody with the potential to reverse drug resistance in various tumor types. The company is also working to develop a companion diagnostic to accurately identify those patients who can best benefit from the therapy.


MedImmune Sr. Director, Partnering & Strategy filling role previously held by Emergent BioSolutions CEO, Daniel J. Abdun-Nabi

BioHealth Innovation, Inc. (BHI) announced that its Board of Directors has unanimously approved the appointment of MedImmune Sr. Director, Partnering & Strategy, Jarrod Borkat as new Vice Chairman. MedImmune, the global biologics research and development arm of AstraZeneca, is a Founding Partner of BHI and continues to be a leader in building the BioHealth Capital Region. BHI would like to thank Emergent BioSolutions CEO, Daniel J. Abdun-Nabi, for his service as Vice Chairman. He will remain as a member of the Board of Directors. Mr. Abdun-Nabi also previously served as chairman of the Maryland Life Sciences Advisory Board (LSAB) and currently serves on Maryland Governor Larry Hogan’s Excel Board.


Company’s announcement latest in recent trend of significant investment in Montgomery County biohealth companies.

BeneVir Biopharm, Inc. (BeneVir), a privately-held Montgomery County biotech company, has entered into an agreement under which it will be acquired by Janssen Biotech, Inc., a Johnson & Johnson company for up to $1.04 billion. Under the terms of the agreement, Janssen will make an upfront cash payment of $140 million at closing of the transaction, plus additional contingent payments of up to $900 million based on achievement of certain predetermined milestones. BeneVir was a client of BioHealth Innovation (BHI) from 2013 until its Series A investment in 2014.


– Winner to be announced during 2018 BioHealth Capital Region Forum –

Five companies have been selected to present to a panel of investor judges and an audience of industry leaders during the 2018 BioHealth Capital Region Forum, April 23-24, at the MedImmune campus in Gaithersburg, Maryland. Founded by BioHealth Innovation, Inc. (BHI) and MedImmune in 2016, the annual Crab Trap Competition highlights companies from throughout the region in varied stages of business development and industry sectors.  Open to applicants from Maryland, DC and Virginia, previous winners are Johns Hopkins University spinouts: LifeSprout (2017) developing the next-generation of synthetic soft tissue substitutes for aesthetic and reconstructive medicine, and Sonavex (2016), developer of a pipeline of novel ultrasound solutions to visualize and quantify critical clinical data for improved outcomes and reduced costs in new surgical applications.  The 3rd Annual Crab Trap Competition is sponsored by Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati. The grand prize includes $10,000, incubation space in either Montgomery County, MD or Prince William County, VA, and business mentoring.


Ashish K. Kulkami, PhD of Avantor, Anne S. Lindblad, PhD of The Emmes Corporation, and Kurt Newman, MD of Children’s National Health System, Join BHI’s Board

BioHealth Innovation, Inc. (BHI) announced that its Board of Directors has unanimously approved the appointments of three new board members, Ashish K. Kulkarni, PhD, Executive Vice President and Chief Technology Officer of Avantor, Anne S. Lindblad, PhD, President and CEO, The Emmes Corporation, and Kurt Newman, MD, President and Chief Executive Officer, Children’s National Health System.

“I am honored to welcome our new members to the board,” said Richard Bendis, BHI President and CEO. “Ashish, Anne, and Kurt bring years of biohealth experience and fresh perspectives to our board.”

Ashish K. Kulkarni, Ph.D., has been Executive Vice President and Chief Technology Officer of Avantor since 2016. Dr. Kulkarni has extensive experience serving as Chief Technology Officer for other large global companies. Prior to joining Avantor, Dr. Kulkarni acted as Chief Technology and Innovation Officer at Celanese Corporation, from 2012 to 2016, and Vice President of Research and Development for the Advanced Engineering Materials and Emulsions business units, from 2010 to 2012. Dr. Kulkarni also previously acted as Vice President of Global Engineering, Building Systems and Services division of United Technologies Corporation, from 2007 to 2010. In addition, Dr. Kulkarni served in various leadership roles with American Standard. He started his career with General Electric Company on their Technical Leadership Program (TLP).


GAITHERSBURG, MARYLAND, October 30, 2017 – Adaptive Phage Therapeutics, Inc. (APT) a clinical-stage company founded to provide an effective therapeutic response to the global rise of multi-drug resistant (MDR) pathogenic bacteria, announced the opening of their state-of-the-art BSL2 labs and phage manufacturing facilities designed to FDA GMP ICH Q7A and ISO Class 5 standards. The 7,200-square foot facility is strategically located in Gaithersburg, Maryland – within 25 miles of FDA, BDRD, NMRC, Walter Reed Military Hospital, Johns Hopkins, and NIH. APT’s facilities are unique as they were designed from the ground up specifically for manufacturing patient specific therapeutic phage products. In 2016, APT entered into a collaborative research and development agreement (CRADA) with the Naval Medical Research Center (NMRC) and has negotiated worldwide exclusive rights to NMRC’s innovative system for phage/pathogen rapid matching (patents pending), as well as proprietary datasets, and PhageBank®.


Rockville, Maryland - October 2017—BioHealth Innovation, Inc. (BHI) was founded in 2012 to accelerate technology transfer and commercialization opportunities in Montgomery County, Maryland. Since that time, BHI has expanded its scope to include similar activity in the BioHealth Capital Region (Maryland, DC, and Virginia). This region—and Montgomer County in particular— is unique in terms of the government, academic and industry assets comprising its biohealth industry sector. Montgomery Coun- ty is home to U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), and local campuses of Johns Hopkins University and the University System of Maryland. The County has one of the largest clusters of biohealth companies in the United States.

Caption: Montgomery County Executive Ike Leggett (center) flanked by Montgomery County Assistance Chief Administrative Officer Lily Qi, BHI President and CEO Rich Bendis, KIC Director General Dr. Myun Han, BHI Managing Director, Judy Costello and six entrepreneurs participating in KIC-BHI partnership.


ROCKVILLE, MARYLAND, September 6, 2017 – BioHealth Innovation Inc., (BHI) President and CEO Richard Bendis has been named one of The Daily Record’s 2017 Innovators of the Year. Mr. Bendis is one of 26 individuals and companies who have created new products, services or programs that have had a positive effect on business, industry or the community.

“I am grateful to be chosen as an Innovator of the Year by The Daily Record,” said Mr. Bendis. “The Biohealth Innovation team, along with our partners throughout and beyond the BioHealth Capital Region, all deserve a piece of this honor.”

The 2017 Innovator of the Year awards will be presented Oct. 18th at a reception/dinner starting at 5:30 p.m. at the American Visionary Art Museum, 800 Key Highway in Baltimore. Winners will be profiled in a special magazine that will be inserted into the Oct. 19th issue of The Daily Record and available online at


BioHealth Innovation, Inc. Partner Company Developing Novel Non-Viral Gene Therapies for Treatment of Vascular Diseases.

ROCKVILLE, MARYLAND, July 25, 2017 – Artgen, Inc. is pleased to expand its collaboration with the University of Maryland, Baltimore to advance its preclinical program for ART-101 under the Maryland Industrial Partnerships (MIPS) program. The proposal for "Novel targeted imaging applications for PAD" will be supported by a matching contribution from Artgen under the terms of the MIPS award guidelines.
"It has been a very positive experience to partner with Artgen, Inc. and University of Maryland, Baltimore. This initiative supports the overall mission of BHI to advance and foster innovation and company startups within the Maryland region." said Rich Bendis, BHI President & CEO. "Companies like Artgen are building the next generation of the BioHealth Capital Region (BHCR), and we're looking forward to supporting their continued success."

MIPS promotes the development and commercialization of products and processes through industry/university research partnerships. MIPS provides matching funds to help Maryland companies pay for the university research. Projects are initiated by the companies to meet their own research and development goals.

About Artgen, Inc.
Incorporated in 2014, Artgen is developing novel non-viral gene therapies for treatment of vascular diseases. Their lead product candidate, ART-101 is a DNA plasmid designed to be delivered directly to the site of injured tissue with the first indication directed for peripheral artery disease (PAD). ART-101 expresses Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF), one of the key regulators of angiogenesis. Artgen's platform technology has the potential for treatment of other vascular diseases. Artgen is currently licensing IP from the Human Stem Cell Institute

About BioHealth Innovation, Inc.
BioHealth Innovation, Inc., is a regional innovation intermediary which supports the transformation of research projects into new business opportunities in partnership with the region's rich assets, institutions, and entrepreneurial community. BHI achieves this goal by being a catalytic partner in the economic development ecosystem. Learn more at

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Media contacts:
Rich Bendis
Phone: 301-637-6439, email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


ROCKVILLE, MARYLAND, July 25, 2017 – BioHealth Innovation, Inc. (BHI), would like to thank outgoing Managing Director, Ethan Byler as he leaves the organization for the next stage of his career. Over the past five years, Ethan has been responsible for multiple programs supporting the success of BHI. Ethan's contributions and accomplishments include managing the EIR program with NIH, coordinating SBIR funding assistance to secure over $13M in non-dilutive funding for BHI startup partners, managing the Germantown and Rockville Innovation Centers, building out the Relevant Health accelerator and BHI LaunchLabs suite, achieving successful federal grants for initiatives at BHI, and supporting the growth of a number of biohealth startups in Montgomery County, Baltimore, and other locations across Maryland.

"BHI wouldn't be where we are today without the hard work and accomplishments of Ethan Byler," said Richard Bendis, BHI President and CEO. "Ethan has been a consummate professional, leader, and friend to me and the entire BHI family. We wish him the very best as he and his family move to New Jersey for their next adventure."

In addition, BHI is pleased to announce the addition of Judy Costello as Managing Director, Economic Development at BHI. A longtime supporter of the region's entrepreneur and start-up communities, Judy joined the Maryland Department of Commerce as Deputy Director of the BioMaryland Center in 2011. More recently, she served as Director of the department's Office of BioHealth and Life Sciences. She was with the Business Alliance for fifteen years prior, organizing venture pitch forums, entrepreneur bootcamps, tech transfer showcases, educational seminars, and other programs connecting entrepreneurs, faculty innovators, students, and industry leaders in Maryland, D.C., and Virginia.

Prior to joining the Business Alliance, Costello held positions in economic development, financial services marketing, and university public relations. She is a graduate of Georgetown University, and holds a MBA from Loyola University in Maryland.

"We are excited and very fortunate to have Judy join the BHI team," said Richard Bendis, BHI President and CEO. "Her knowledge of our industry and region will complement the BHI mission."

About BioHealth Innovation, Inc.
BioHealth Innovation, Inc., is a regional innovation intermediary which supports the transformation of research projects into new business opportunities in partnership with the region's rich assets, institutions, and entrepreneurial community. BHI achieves this goal by being a catalytic partner in the economic development ecosystem. Learn more at

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Media Contact:
Rich Bendis
Phone: 301-637-6439, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

ROCKVILLE, MARYLAND, July 12, 2017BioHealth Innovation, Inc. would like to thank Amanda Wilson Hague as she moves on to her next adventure after spending five years with the organization. During her time with BHI, Amanda progressed to the role of Director, Finance & Human Resources. She joined the organization in June of 2012 after working for several years at Rockville Economic Development, Inc. (REDI).


BHI is also proud to announce the addition of Lynne A. Brisbane as Director of Finance and Human Resources. Lynne A. Brisbane has more than 15 years of experience leading accounting and financial teams for both for-profit and nonprofit entities. Most recently she held the role as Director of Finance & Administration/CFO of The IJIS Institute, where her responsibilities included providing strategic leadership in all aspects of the nonprofit whose revenues include grants, contracts, and membership fees. Before her role as IJIS, Lynne held positions as Chief Deputy Treasurer for the Loudon County Government and as an Accountant with MedImmune.


"We are excited to have Lynne join the BHI team," said Richard Bendis, BHI President and CEO. "Her expertise in both the nonprofit and for-profit worlds will make her a great addition to our team.”

About BioHealth Innovation, Inc.

BioHealth Innovation, Inc., is a regional innovation intermediary which supports the transformation of research projects into new business opportunities. BHI is known for providing commercial assistance to scientists and founders, educating and infusing Maryland's life science community with new and young entrepreneurs and fueling startups within Central Maryland's bio-ecosystem by connecting young companies to funding and business resources. Learn more at


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Media Contact:
Rich Bendis
Phone: 301-637-6439, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.