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Want to be on the cutting edge of disease treatment? Learn how companies like Immunyx Pharma are changing the landscape of immune modulation in the battle against diseases with the JLABS/BARDA Blue Knight program on this episode of BioTalk with Rich Bendis.

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Lucy Alexander, Capabilities Lead, Global Supply Chain & Strategy with AstraZeneca, joins Rich Bendis on BioTalk to discuss leading world-class supply chain operations, developing new strategies, and the continued growth of AZ in the BioHealth Capital Region.

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Jacob Greenwood, Director of Business Development at CRB, joins BioTalk with Rich Bendis to discuss engineering in the industry, the Chesapeake Bay Area Chapter of ISPE, and his career in the BioHealth Capital Region.

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Linshom Medical CEO, Ric Hughen, joins Rich Bendis on BioTalk to discuss his career, their respiratory monitor, and growing a company in the BioHealth Capital Region.

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Richard Hughen’s thirty years of medical device experience spans three Fortune 500 and three start-up companies with two successful exits to date. He is currently CEO of Linshom Medical, a start-up that is first to deliver continuous predictive respiratory monitoring (CPRM) to the patient bedside and home.

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New BHI Executives-In-Residence, Jennifer Butler and Luis Gutierrez, join VP Economic Development Sarah Miller on BioTalk with Rich Bendis to discuss the recent launch of this program and cultivating the local life sciences ecosystem by working with start-up and growth-stage companies in diagnostics, medical devices, digital health, bioinformatics, AI/machine learning and therapeutics within Montgomery County, Maryland.

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The Polaris Genomics Leadership team of CEO Charles Cathlin, MPH, CSO Tshaka Cunningham, PhD, and CMO Anne Naclerio, MD, MPH visit BioTalk to discuss competing in the 7th Annual Crab Trap Competition, being a Veteran-Owned Business and growing in BioHealth Capital Region.

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Brett Shealy, Executive Director of the Life Sciences Banking Team with J.P.Morgan, joins Rich Bendis on BioTalk to discuss his Career, BioHealth Investment, and the upcoming 2022 BioHealth Capital Region Forum/Investment Conference/Crab Trap.

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Crab Trap Judges and Sponsors, Sally Allain, MSc., MBA Head, JLABS @ Washington, DC Johnson & Johnson Innovation – JLABS, Srujana Cherukuri, Ph.D., Chief Executive Officer, Noble Life Sciences, Inc. & Lora Green, Partner, Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati, join Rich Bendis on BioTalk to preview the event taking place live on September 21st, 2022 at USP in Rockville. For the first time in its history, this year’s Crab Trap winner will be eligible for a package of prizes worth more than $50,000.

Prizes for the qualifying Crab Trap winner include:

  • A $10,000 cash prize from Wilson Sonsini
  • A $5,000 cash from Montgomery County (for a firm headquartered in Montgomery County)
  • A one-year residency at JLABS @ Washington, D.C.
  • Preclinical CRO services from Noble Life Sciences.

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Gary L. Disbrow, Ph.D., Director of the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA), visits BioTalk to discuss his career, advancing research, development, and collaboration in BioHealth.

Listen to the podcast now via Apple, Google, Spotify, and Amazon

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Brian Castleberry, Maryland Department of Commerce Regional Manager - Middle East, Africa and India, Office of International Investment and Trade, and & Robin Wiener, President, Get Real Health, Join Rich Bendis on BioTalk to discuss International Collaborations, Maryland Biotech, and Collaborations.

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Vita Therapeutics CEO & Co-founder Douglas Falk chats with Rich Bendis to discuss his career, their platforms, and moving into the University of Maryland BioPark.

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Douglas Falk, MS is the Co-founder and CEO of Vita Therapeutics, a biotechnology company generating state-of-the-art cellular therapeutics for the treatment of muscular dystrophies and solid tumors. He has experience in healthcare equity research investing as a former Principal at Brown Advisory. He has led direct investment into more than 30 biotechnology companies and is a Board Member of Johns Hopkins University’s Biotech Investment Group.

Click here for the transcript.


Dave Saunders, CTO & Co-Founder of Galen Robotics, joins Rich Bendis before their 5/6/2022 Open House in Baltimore. (RSVP to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to attend) Also, view a demo of their technology at Rich and Dave and I discuss Digital Surgery, Choosing Baltimore, and their Design Philosophy.

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Mike Gill, Maryland Commerce Secretary, visits BioTalk to discuss Life Sciences in the State, growing the economy, and how we can continue building on our successes.

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Secretary Mike Gill is a business leader with four decades of experience as an entrepreneur, technology executive, investment banker, and public servant. He was tapped by Governor Larry Hogan in 2014 to lead the Maryland Department of Commerce as its first-ever Secretary and was asked by the Governor to again lead the Department in December 2021.